We are a specialized software provider
Technical software products from research institutions such as the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft and solutions from innovative start-ups characterize the scapos AG offering. We focus on simulation (CAE), cutting and packaging optimization, industrial metrology and AI technologies.
News & Dates
Peaceful Christmas
In the midst of the peaceful Christmas season, we remember that goodbyes also have their place in life. We are grateful that hospices and their dedicated and compassionate staff accompany pe [...]
Review: SC24 – International Conference for High-Performance Computing
SC24, the International Conference for High-Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis, was held in Atlanta from November 17-22, 2024, at the Georgia World Congress Center. It [...]
Review: scapos AG impresses with its trade fair stand at FachPack 2024
At FachPack 2024, we presented ourselves with a creative exhibition stand under the motto "RELAX - and let our software do the work!". Under palm trees and in a relaxed atmosphere, visitors [...]
Partners & Cooperations
Since its foundation in 2009, scapos AG has been offering research institutions and SMEs support in the distribution of their software products. Our software suppliers include research institutes such as the Fraunhofer Institute SCAI and the Fraunhofer Institute IAIS, as well as companies such as SIDACT GmbH.