ModelCompare is a plug-in for pre- and post-processing finite element analysis (FEA) tools. It compares two similarly discretized FE models and presents their differences in geometry (mesh), material ID and sheet thickness.

ModelCompare identifies the differences between models based on the geometry defined by the discretization grid. It uses special imaging techniques that result in extremely short run times.
  • Seamless interface as a plug-in
  • Geometry changes
  • Multi-part detection
  • Detection of material ID and thickness changes
  • Detection of spot weld and RBE changes
Developed by

Fraunhofer SCAI

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Application areas

Any organization involved in computer-aided engineering (CAE) must deal with numerous designs that vary in geometry, materials, and constraints. ModelCompare is a quick-look tool capable of determining the differences between two FE models discretized in a similar way. ModelCompare lets you quickly compare two FE models in your preferred visualization tool without having to manually determine the differences. A report can be generated to document the changes.

Geometry and grid changes

Accurate estimation and representation of changes in the geometry of two similarly discretized FE models is based on their nodal positions. In addition, components with the same shape but different grid settings are detected and displayed.

Changes in contours and holes

Changes such as cut, extended, added and removed contours can be detected. Similarly, changes in planar holes – such as closed, expanded, new, and reduced holes – can be detected.

New and missing components/elements

New components that have been added or components that have been removed from the model can be detected and visualized. Missing elements in relation to the reference model, for example due to improper grids, can also be detected. The tool also detects if an element belongs to two different components in the two models.

Detection of changes in material ID, sheet thickness or grid functions

Differences in material ID, sheet thickness or user-defined (node or element-based) function values are detected. Thickness changes can be component or element based.

Spot weld, adhesive and RBE modifications

Differences in the attributes of the spot welds (for example, part identifier, element identifier, connected parts) as well as new, missing and displaced spot welds can be identified and visualized. In addition, differences in the positions of the master and slave nodes of the rigid body elements (RBEs) are determined. ModelCompare detects hexaelement-based glue joints and changes such as added, removed and moved glue joints.

Duplicate components in one model

Components with the same shape and mesh that occur multiple times in a model are identified regardless of their orientation.

ASCII comparison

Input files receive additional information not covered by the geometric comparison, for example transformation sections and comment sections. A smart ASCII change analysis handles such input file sections. Currently the PAM CRASH format is supported. Other formats such as LS-DYNA are to be added in the future.

Multi-component detection

ModelCompare identifies a component of the first model, which is divided into many components in the second model, as a set of these components.