AutoNester-T optimizes the automatic placement of parts on fabric, sheet metal, wood plates, cardboard and glass plates. The software nests the parts optimally, minimizing waste.

A sectional view calculated by AutoNester-T. Skirts, 64 parts, material utilization 94.3%, 1 minute calculation time.

Time and cost savings

  • Increases productivity
  • Reduces material waste
  • Creates nests in a short time, even with complex specifications
  • Outperforms manually generated results in many cases
  • Can be controlled via an interface (API) and thus integrated into other software

Benefit & value

AutoNester-T is a software package for the automatic creation of markers on textile, wooden, metal, and other materials. It is widely used by companies in these industries. The software is capable of optimally nesting any quantity of parts in a very short time, minimizing waste and observing various specifications. The material utilization of the markers generated by AutoNester-T in many cases exceeds the results of competitor systems and experienced experts. Especially for leather we offer the software AutoNester-L.

  • The software is organized as a library (DLL) and can be used as optimization engine. Software developers can integrate AutoNester-T into their software (e.g. CAD systems).
Developed by

Fraunhofer SCAI

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Beriwan Musto
Beriwan MustoProduct sales

Features of AutoNester-T

  • Pre-placed pieces
  • Folded and mirrored pieces
  • Folded markers
  • Goal efficiency
  • Time limits
  • Unrestricted number of pieces
  • Nap and flip restrictions
  • Rotation adjustable
  • Angle of rotation tolerance adjustable
  • Dynamic overlaps with doubled layer
  • Connection marks at predefinable intervals
  • Bundle support
  • multipart pieces

  • Consideration of holes and damage in the material
  • Nesting on finite pieces of material
  • Stripes and plaid pattern

Nesting examples

The sectional views shown have been calculated by AutoNester-T. The specified runtimes refer to a standard PC. The different colors indicate in each case the parts that belong to a garment.


AutoNester-T combines current optimization techniques and latest research results to achieve the best results in the shortest time. We employ local search techniques based on new variants of simulated annealing, multiple iterated greedy strategies, coupled with efficient heuristics, pattern recognition techniques, and fast algorithms for computing Minkowski sums.

In the local search procedures, we use fully dynamic and statistical methods for parameter setting to increase quality and speed. We use a combination of branch-and-bound algorithms and linear programming to calculate quality guarantees for the generated nests.

Software & API

The AutoNester-T software package for automatic creation of nests on textiles, metal, wood and other materials can be used via an application programming interface (API). Developers of third-party software (such as CAD or ERP systems) can easily integrate AutoNester-T into their own software. Developers of third-party software (such as CAD or ERP systems) can easily integrate AutoNester-T into their own software.

AutoNester-T is available for all Microsoft Windows PC operating systems.