MpCCI is a vendor neutral and application independent interface for co-simulation. MpCCI offers advanced and proven features for multiphysics modelling.

Advanced Multiphysics modelling

  • Accurate and robust neighbourhood calculation and mapping algorithms
  • Various numeric stabilization methods
  • Predefined setups for typical coupling types
  • Open programming interface for in-house codes
Developed by

Fraunhofer SCAI

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MpCCI CouplingEnvironment

Bi-directional coupling of simulation codes for static and transient multiphysics problems.

The MpCCI CouplingEnvironment links simulation programs, thereby solving multidisciplinary problems. The software supports the leading industria­l simulation tools. Detailed information can be found at

MpCCI Mapper

One-way transfer and mapping of manufacturing and forming results into crash and structural analysis.

The MpCCI Mapper supports complex simulation workflows and process chains involving multiple FEM packages. The software handles data interpolation and data conversion between the codes. Detailed information can be found at


One-way transfer and mapping of CFD results into FEA models.

The MpCCI FSIMapper interpolates the data between different simulation meshes used for CFD- or FEM-simulations, taking care of different mesh densities or orders. Detailed information can be found at

Application Areas

Fraunhofer SCAI designs and optimizes industrial applications, implements custom solutions for production and logistics, and offers calculations on high-performance computers. All services are based on industrial engineering, combined with state-of-the-art methods from applied mathematics and information technology. Detailed information about the application areas can be found at

Manufacturing Processes and Passive Safety

Simulation of complex manufacturing processes to predict structural product characteristics often requires a chain of distinct simulation disciplines. Each simulation step typically requires a specific problem discretization to handle the physical effects. To achieve realistic simulation results, local material properties have to be specified as initial condition at each step of the virtual process chain. In addition to the transfer of local material properties along a manufacturing chain, simulation models have to be validated by comparison with experimental test results.

In order to transfer local material properties between consecutive simulation steps, MpCCI Mapper as file-based mapping tool has been developed by SCAI.

Automotive Thermal Management

Concerning the thermal behavior of automotive vehicles, it is pursued to accomplish simulations for the full complexity of a vehicle’s geometry and transport phenomena of heat including convection, radiation and conduction in fluids and solid bodies. The different heat transport mechanisms described are solved by specialized codes. The coupled approach supports steady state, transient and mixed type (quasi-stationary with transient) applications.

MpCCI CouplingEnvironment offers the possibility to couple your favorite CFD-Code with a code that is specialized to radiative and solid body conduction heat transfer.  Furthermore, it is possible to integrate your own inhouse code into the MpCCI environment.

Aeroelasticity and Machinery Design

When a surrounding fluid exerts pressure on a flexible structure, this structure deforms, which leads to changes in the flow field of the fluid. These so-called fluid-structure interactions appear in different application areas: the most common examples are wings, spoilers and other deformable parts of racing or everyday cars or the flutter of aircraft wings. Furthermore, this effect can be observed in many machines, especially where moving parts or light, very deformable walls are involved. Typical examples are valves, pumps or hydraulic engine mounts. MpCCI has been used successfully to solve different applications from all of these areas.

Turbomachinery Applications

The development of turbomachinery with increasingly higher levels of efficiency makes the detailed knowledge of the mechanical, thermal and fluid dynamic processes indispensable. They serve for optimizations of the flow geometry, thermal stresses, lifetime, etc. The realistic simulation of the turbomachinery system often requires the knowledge of boundary conditions, which usually are the results of other simulation disciplines or even are strongly interrelated with each other.
In order to consider those interactions (“multiphysics”), a mapping (using MpCCI FSIMapper) or a coupled simulation (MpCCI CouplingEnvironment) is required.

Vehicle and Machine Dynamics

Multibody Simulations (MBS) and Finite Element Methods (FEM) are very effective tools to simulate the complex dynamics of vehicle and machine parts. Cosimulation is a natural means to increase the fidelity of these models to include environmental influences and additional physical phenomena such as fluid flow or electromagnetics. In addition, the simulation time for complex finite element  models can drastically be reduced by using Multibody Simulations for noncritical components.